Prosím použi kód z tvojej download karty alebo emailu na stiahnutie MP3/FLAC verzie titulu. Kód môžeš opakovane použiť a súbory stiahnuť 5x. Na vloženie správneho a platného kódu máš rovnako 5 pokusov, pokiaľ budú všetky neúspešné, formulár sa dočasne zablokuje. Po vložení a odoslaní kódu sa namiesto formuláru zobrazí názov titulu a údaj o veľkosti súboru, kliknutím na názov titulu spustíš download. V prípade nejakých problémov so zadávaním kódov nás prosím kontaktuj.
Please use your code from download card to download MP3/FLAC version of the album. One code could be used 5 times. You have 5 attempts to enter a valid code, if all will be unsuccessful the form will be blocked temporary. Enter your code and push the button next to the form, if the code will be valid the name of the album (together with an info about file size) will appear instead of the form. Just click the name of the album to start download. In case of any problems please contact us immediately.
Please use your code from download card to download MP3/FLAC version of the album. One code could be used 5 times. You have 5 attempts to enter a valid code, if all will be unsuccessful the form will be blocked temporary. Enter your code and push the button next to the form, if the code will be valid the name of the album (together with an info about file size) will appear instead of the form. Just click the name of the album to start download. In case of any problems please contact us immediately.
Vyber titul / Select release